Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where did the time go!?!?

Can you believe it's already time to turn the clocks back, put on an extra layer, get out the ice scraper, and turn on the heated seat in the car? Whoa - there are Christmas decorations up at the Mall already!! The Farmer's Markets are shrinking in the rear view mirror and we're heading straight for the holiday season - like it or not - so take a deep breath, put on a smile, and get ready to SHOP. 
We hope to see many of our regular customers at some events we will be attending (look to the right for details) - come and support these fundraising events and grab a fresh bottle of our Basil Vinaigrette. Don't forget that our Ellie's Going Green Chocolate Florentine Cookies make a wonderful hostess gift if you're heading to be with family or friends for the holidays.  


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