Monday, October 25, 2010

Cherly's Chicken with Ellie's Basil Vinaigrette

"Yum,yum. I bought your Basil Vinaigrette at the Salem Farmers Market and just made a really tasty and simple chicken dish using it.  Here's what I did:  Cut two chicken breasts in large chunks and stir-fry them on medium high heat in olive oil and garlic until nice and brown. Lower the heat a bit and let them cook through. Remove the chicken to a serving dish - season with salt and pepper.  De-glaze the pan by adding a little white wine (lemon juice would also work) and stir to loosen all of the pieces stuck to the bottom of the pan.  Add about  1/4 cup of Ellie's Basil Vinaigrette and continue to stir until it is warm.  Pour this sauce over the chicken and serve.  I put a little fresh chopped basil on top, but sliced lemons or some fresh raspberries would go well also." Cheryl M.

Thanks, Cheryl! Always happy to hear how our friends are using our product. 


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